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East End Rod And Gun Club

251 County 564 Road

The Dry Gulch Desperados had another record year in 2007 averaging 32 shooters per month. That’s an indication of the growing interest in this exciting sport. We are drawing shooters from Oregon, Idaho and Washington; some have come as far as Klamath Falls to shoot with us.
Many of you may have noticed the “new” construction on the entire range. A welcome grant from the ODFW has helped us get Safety Berms as well as taret berms at 100, 200, 300 and 400 yards. The handicaped accessible port-o-john is a welcome addition too! Big thanks goes out to many of our Cowboy members as well as other club members for all the hours they've spent fixing up our range -- Hey Granpa, Runamuck, DeShoots Kid and Brent from Koncrete Industries to name a few -- thank them mext time you see them! We will be applying for additional ODFW funds as well as NRA funds to further range development.

Our annual shoot, Underwear Day, was a huge success despite it falling on the first week-end the valley had seen rainfall in several months. We had 45 shooters and about 70 people for the famous “Dutch Oven Lunch”. The first annual “Stick Horse Competition” was a huge success and everyone really enjoyed it. Approximately 20 shooters showed up with their own decorated Stick Horse and there were some real beauties. GD Rimrock and his horse “Gold Dust” were the winners of the contest.
We were also proud to present to Shalako Tucker AKA Edwin Kemmerer, the 2007 Desperado of the Year award. This award has been presented since 2003 to the person our Desperados believe most exemplifies the top “Desperado”. Previous years winners have been Diamond Deb & GD Rimrock, Dry Gulch Bandit, and Hey Granpa.
We shoot the 1st Saturday of each month, May – October sign up is at 8:30 and shooting starts at 9:00, November – April sign up is at 9:30 and shooting starts at 10:00. We invite anyone who’s interested to come out and join us. The cost to shoot is $10.00 and $5.00 for Juniors (age 14-16), Buckaroos & Buckarettes (13 and under) are Free.
